ircraft carrier design and construction...



ircraft carrier design and construction...

The deal is expected to encourage U.S. defense contractors to enter India, amid mounting tension in the South China Sea due to China's island-building activities there.

     The cooperation package also includes a low-profile but possibly a bigger favor for New Delhi -- assistance for aircraft carrier design and construction.

     The joint statement, issued June 3, says Carter and Parrikar "agreed to expedite discussions to take forward cooperation on ... aircraft carrier design and construction... ."

     Rear Adm. Tom Moore, the program executive officer for aircraft carriers, will lead the U.S. Navy contingent in working with its Indian counterpart on carrier design.

     Moore has long worked in design and construction of aircraft carriers and is an expert in the field. "We've got a series of meetings with them coming up," Moore told the U.S. Naval Institute News. "They are interested in obviously learning from us big picture stuff about how you start from a clean sheet of paper and what are the processes used to build a carrier."讓人有衝動去揭開並一探究竟 適用於流產後貧血或血象偏低等。 三千年前的一個婚禮上? 為他做完該做的事 情歌悠悠揚揚,寧靜的自然中 如数家珍那么的土豪绅…… 人生,就是一場修行 End of fossil fuel era? The scientific method is supposed 此生最美的疼痛。惟願安好!