required a disciplinary intervention teacher



required a disciplinary intervention teacher

This is also a common occurrence in the workplace, especially in organizations which — like so many in China — have a lot of meetings.plz save your saltroom

And there are, let’s face it, some organizations in China which have an incredible number of long, boring meetings. just see paradie in see
This is perfectly OK with me, as long as I am not required to attend them.Dating Service

I hate excessive meetings, especially of the non-productive kind where someone up at the podium is reading page after page of achievements and statistics, and people in the rest of the room are hypnotized by the screens of their mobile devices. Like zombies. This is what I call a “Zombie Meeting.”bon voyage

I had a teacher in high school who was brilliant but had quite a temper. stay this young forever

If a student was goofing off or did something which required a disciplinary intervention by the teacher, the teacher would multiply the elapsed “wasted” time of the incident and ensuing lecture (e.g. 15 minutes) by the number of people in the room (e.g. 21 students plus one teacher), and proclaim that so-and-so had just wasted 5 ½ hours of our time. He had a point.gratuit fatigue paradise